Dzuganova Rita Habalovna
Institute for the Humanities Research - Branch of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Submitted: 12.03.2018
Abstract. The article examines the typical features of compound names with the suffix -лъэ in the Kabardian-Circassian language. Analyzing factual material the author proves the lack of semantic affinity between the verbal root -лъы- and the nominal word-formative morpheme -лъэ. After examining the structure of complicated models containing the suffix -лъэ the author postulates the etymological origin of the word-formative affix -лъэ from the all-Adyghe root morpheme - лъэ- with the meaning "place". The paper focuses on the processes of transforming the all-Adyghe root morpheme - лъэ- into a suffixal one.
Key words and phrases: морфонологические признаки, сложные имена, суффиксальная морфема, субстантивация, адъективация, кабардино-черкесский язык, morphonological features, compound names, suffixal morpheme, substantivization, adjectivization, Kabardian-Circassian language
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