Novikova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
Taurida Academy of V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
Submitted: 01.03.2018
Abstract. The article presents the result of developing the model for coherent representation of linguistic and cognitive phenomena by the material of English sports interviews. The interview is considered as one of the main genres of sports discourse. The study proposes a four-stage model for analyzing the sports interview. The analysis allowed the author to discover semantic laws of communication typical for the interview as a genre of sports discourse. The paper identifies hierarchical structural complexes, which are the system of mutually determined and mutually dependent consistently arranged elements constituting the basis of the sports interview.
Key words and phrases: спортивный дискурс, жанр спортивного дискурса, интервью, лингво-когнитивный анализ, коммуникация, sports discourse, sports discourse genre, interview, linguo-cognitive analysis, communication
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