Kuropteva Alena Aleksandrovna, Lar'kina Anna Aleksandrovna
Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov
Submitted: 14.02.2018
Abstract. The article examines Russian loan words in the French language, analyzes the causes of choosing Russisms in the French press from the standpoint of the lacunarity theory through the lenses of compensating culturological and semantic lacunae. Particular attention is paid to the components of the lexical meaning of borrowed units that are realized in the context. Also the authors make an attempt to draw a line between the realia that have entered the French language without modifications to reflect the Russian national-cultural component, and words that have received additional semantic and stylistic development.
Key words and phrases: заимствование, русизм, реалия, ксенизм, лакуна, лексическое значение, loan word, Russism, realia, xenism, lacuna, lexical meaning
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