Surnina Irina Aleksandrovna
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Submitted: 12.02.2018
Abstract. The article examines the economic newspaper "Proizvoditel i Promyshlennik" ("Producer and Industrialist"), which was issued from 1859 to 1861: its purpose, sections (for example, "Forestry", "Railways", "Feuilleton", etc.). For the first time the author analyzes the history of this newspaper from the early days till its closure. Relying on archival sources the researcher identifies the motives to publish this periodical, describes its program, periodicity, subscription price. Having analyzed the content of the sections the author concludes that "Proizvoditel i Promyshlennik" was a very useful edition for the developing bourgeoisie. The researcher ascertains the basic staff of the newspaper and for the first time discovers the motive to close it after two years of successful publication - shortage of subscribers and its neglect by the merchants. It is mentioned that editors and publishers of other business newspapers and magazines at the turn of the 50-60s of the XIX century came across the similar problem.
Key words and phrases: "Производитель и промышленник", деловые газеты и журналы, Н. А. Лебедев, отдел "Лесоводство", отдел "Вести из губерний", отдел "Общества и компании", "Proizvoditel i Promyshlennik" ("Producer and Industrialist"), business newspapers and magazines, N. A. Lebedev, section "Forestry", section "News from the Provinces", section "Societies and Companies"
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