Sedykh Arkadii Petrovich, Bondareva Marina Mikhailovna
Belgorod State National Research University
Submitted: 21.02.2018
Abstract. The article is devoted to studying phraseological and discourse problems both in the paradigms of the modern science about the language and in the functional aspect of the mechanisms of linguistic units implementation in questions. Discourse methods of actualization of phraseological units with a phytonym component are analyzed. A new term "phraseophytonym" is introduced into scientific use. The specificity of the actualization of phytonymic phraseology is described within the framework of political and everyday discourses. The patterns of the use of phraseological material are determined as indicators of the national worldview and communicative behavior of native speakers. The phraseophytonymic worldview represents one of the important elements of the emotional sphere, as well as the national language worldview, which is verbalized in specific forms for the ethnos.
Key words and phrases: фразеологизм, фитоним, фразеофитоним, дискурс, фразеологическая картина мира, национальный язык и лингвокультура, дискурсное пространство, типология дискурсов и фитонимной коммуникации, phraseological unit, phytonym, phraseophytonym, discourse, phraseological worldview, national language and linguistic culture, discourse space, typology of discourses and phytonymic communication
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