Demchenko Aleksandr Ivanovich
Sobinov Saratov State Conservatory
Submitted: 02.03.2018
Abstract. Relying on his unique in its versatility life experience Gorky recreated comprehensive panorama of the Russian reality of the late XIX and the first decades of the ХХ century. A representative of the lower class, he depicted the plight of the disadvantaged without embellishment, but incidentally he held the thought that it was not only the world around him that was to blame, but also the person submissively bowing to deprivation. Recreating fully the world of the owners, "masters" of life, the lower-middle class and working masses opposing them, the writer revealed the doom of the old world order and the inevitability of revolutionary change. In Gorky’s late works, finished patterns of a social-philosophical novel and a drama of similar orientation are formed, in which the historical regularity of the radical change in the life of the country was affirmed.
Key words and phrases: творчество Горького, панорама российской действительности конца XIX и начала ХХ века, мещанство, трудовая масса, неизбежность революционных перемен, Gorky’s work, panorama of Russian reality of the late XIX and early XX century, lower-middle class, labor force, inevitability of revolutionary changes
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