Bozhkova Galina Nikolaevna, Shabalina Irina Gennad'evna, Shaikhlislamova Al'bina Gazizovna
Elabuga Institute of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Secondary School № 10 of Elabuga Municipal District
Submitted: 16.02.2018
Abstract. The article attempts to consider the images of animals in children’s literature from folklore to the XXI century, but special attention is paid to the functions that animalistic images perform in contemporary children’s prose. In sacred scripture, teachings and hagiographic literature, animalistic images are called upon to point a man to the path to truth. In folklore, the tradition of satirical exposure of human vices is born through allegory, which is evident in the works of subsequent centuries. Animalistic images in the literature of the XVII-XIX centuries can be divided into two groups: animals that help ridicule human vices, and animals that help change the heroes. In the works of the ХХ century, animalistic images become a kind of the mirror of the human soul. Contemporary children’s prose continues the traditions of the ХХ century. The authors consider the works by M. Aromshtam "Furry Child", M. Samarsky "Rainbow for a Friend" and "On a Swing among the Hills", D. Pennac "Dog", J. Bowen "A Street Cat Named Bob", M. Petrosyan "The Tale of a Dog Who Could Fly" and highlight the therapeutic, social and educational functions of animals.
Key words and phrases: образы животных, М. Самарский "Радуга для друга", "На качелях между холмами", Д. Пеннак "Собака Пёс", М. Петросян "Сказка про собаку, которая умела летать", Д. Боуэн "Уличный кот Боб", М. Аромштам "Мохнатый ребёнок", images of animals, M. Samarsky "Rainbow for a Friend", "On a Swing among the Hills", D. Pennac "Dog", M. Petrosyan "Tale of a Dog Who Could Fly", J. Bowen "A Street Cat Named Bob", M. Aromshtam "Furry Child"
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