Smakhtin Evgenii Sergeevich, Vas'bieva Dinara Giniyatullovna, Kalugina Ol'ga Anatol'evna
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Submitted: 06.02.2018
Abstract. The article examines the peculiarities of emotion verbalization in the English and Russian electronic media specializing in the sphere of economics and finance. The paper provides statistical data acquired during the comparative study of emotion representation in the publicistic articles in different languages. The authors propose a unified classification of linguistic material, which promotes categorization and comparative analysis of the identified lexemes. Special attention is paid to syntagmatic environment and functional specificity of emotion nomination forms, which allows the authors to trace the modern tendencies in the usage of emotive vocabulary in the economic publicistic texts.
Key words and phrases: вербализация эмоций, репрезентация эмоций, эмотивная лексика, сопоставительный анализ, публицистика экономической направленности, emotion verbalization, emotion representation, emotive vocabulary, comparative analysis, publicistic economic texts
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