Sofronova Irina Vladimirovna
Ulianov Chuvash State University
Submitted: 13.01.2018
Abstract. The article is devoted to analyzing artistic peculiarities of the modern Chuvash small prose. The research material includes S. Azamat’s stories and dialogues. It is shown that the writer uses the different forms of a dialogue: interview; character’s talk with his internal "ego"; conversation between lovers, friends, two women discovering the secrets of family life; the grandmother and the grandson and others. The characters are represented as a disciple and a teacher, two interlocutors. Through the dialogue the author represents the speculations on the importance of true love, the future of the Chuvash language, friendship and betrayal, relations between generations. The works often bear the didactic nature.
Key words and phrases: рассказ, диалог, миниатюра, С. Азамат, чувашская литература, гармония, дидактика, интервью, инсценировка, монолог, story, dialogue, miniature, S. Azamat, Chuvash literature, harmony, didactics, interview, dramatization, monologue
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