Solntseva Natal'ya Mikhailovna, Bayana Hatice
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Submitted: 26.01.2018
Abstract. The article is devoted to the intellectual context and the real sources of the motives of I. Shmelev’s story "The Kulikovo Field (The Investigator’s Story)". The main theme of the study - the phenomenon of miracle in the interpretation of I. Shmelev and V. Zenkovsky ("On the Miracle. The Possibility and Reality of Miracles") - has not been the subject of scientific reflection yet. As a result, the authors establish the commonality of key ideas of texts, the perception of metaphysical phenomena as reality by the writer and philosopher. The paper describes the point of view of Shmelev on the ideas of W. James, Zenkovsky - on the ideas of A. A. Cournot and I. Ilyin, which introduces new aspects in the research of the text of "The Kulikovo Field". The story is considered as a literary reception by Shmelev of his spiritual quest and doubt, which is confirmed by his correspondence with I. Ilyin. The work observes the plot-forming role of facts from the life of the art historian, restorer Yu. A. Olsufiev.
Key words and phrases: апостолы, Джеймс, Зеньковский, Ильин, Курно, Олсуфьев, теория вероятности, чудо, Шмелев, apostles, James, Zenkovsky, Ilyin, Cournot, Olsufiev, probability theory, miracle, Shmelev
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