Yusupova Nurfiya Marsovna
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Submitted: 17.01.2018
Abstract. The article reveals and analyzes the key features of the symbolization in the Tatar poetry of the XX century. The paper considers conditions and forms of symbolization typical of the national culture, correlated with the creative attitudes and principles of this or that artist; stable symbols are identified at each stage of verbal art, their semantic and functional field is defined. Literary-aesthetic, social-philosophical and culturological factors are determined as the dominant prerequisites. The purpose of the article is to identify the features and conditions of the symbolization in the Tatar poetry of the XX century.
Key words and phrases: татарская поэзия, символизация, символ, функция, поэтическая особенность, литературный процесс, Tatar poetry, symbolization, symbol, function, poetic feature, literary process
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