Konyaeva Natal'ya Alekseevna
Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov
Submitted: 18.01.2018
Abstract. The article discusses the problem of the functional description of adverbs derived from two-root adjectives. It is considered by the example of the use of complex adverbs with the душе- (soul) component in the composition of the statement. The specificity of the functional-grammatical potential and the compatibility properties of these units are shown and their role in the communicative-semantic organization of the statement is described. According to a set of functional characteristics two adverbs ( душераздирающе - heartbreakingly and душещипательно - soulfully) are contrasted with the remaining adverbial units with the душе- (soul) component ( душепагубно - soul-destroyingly, душеполезно - edifyingly, душеспасительно - soul-savingly).
Key words and phrases: русский язык, высказывание, двукорневое наречие, функционально-грамматическая парадигма, коммуникативный статус наречия, функционально-семантический потенциал наречия, Russian language, statement, two-root adverb, functional-grammatical paradigm, communicative status of adverbs, functional-semantic potential of adverb
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