Shishkina Ekaterina Viktorovna
Volgograd State Medical University
Abstract. The relevance of the research is conditioned by growing interest for conceptual sphere "Health". The author examines the following genre-formative features of the sociological study (within scientific and popular medical discourse): purpose, compositional and structural stereotypicity, correlation with a certain conceptual sphere, lexical homogeneity, stylistic stability, absence of authorship. Lexical and syntactical peculiarities of sociological studies are subjected to a detailed analysis. The research findings indicate the necessity to broaden the framework for studying scientific and popular medical discourse by using a linguo-pragmatic and stylistic approach.
Key words and phrases: социологическое исследование, речевой жанр, медицинский научно-популярный дискурс, жанрообразующий признак, немецкий язык, sociological study, speech genre, scientific and popular medical discourse, genre-formative feature, German language
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