Abstract. The article examines the possibilities to acquire lexico-semantic skills of Chinese considering psychological, formal and meaningful aspects. The focus is made on the necessity to realize the asymmetry in the nominative aspect between the Russian and Chinese lexical signs, since it’s the main source of difficulties for the Chinese learners. The possibilities for practical realization of the assigned purposes are illustrated by the example of a certain Chinese concept.
Key words and phrases: специфические черты китайского языка, особенности речевых и языковых единиц, номинативные и коммуникативные функции, лингводидактика, семантико-когнитивный подход, формирование лексических навыков, опора на цзы-концепты, specific features of the Chinese language, peculiarities of speech units and linguistic units, nominative and communicative functions, linguo-didactics, cognitive-semantic approach, formation of lexical skills, taking zi-concepts as basis
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