Los' Aleksandra L'vovna
National Research University of Electronic Technology
Abstract. The article deals with the phenomenon of imposing modalities that are responsible for different types of perception (synaesthesia), and how it is expressed in the language. It is noted that the transfer of a property characteristic of one perceptual modality to another is based on a metaphor that arises from the comparison of two different impressions. The author analyzes semantic-cognitive features that construct the meanings of words describing the properties of the visual modality that are involved in the transfer to auditory modality. The paper reveals cognitive motives underlying the intermodal transfer of qualities "ясный" (clear), "яркий" (bright), "светлый" (light), representing the visual sphere in the Russian language, to auditory objects.
Key words and phrases: перцепция, интермодальность, концептуализация, когнитивные основания, семантико-когнитивный признак, перцептивная модальность, аудиальное и зрительное восприятие, perception, intermodality, conceptualization, cognitive bases, semantic-cognitive feature, perceptual modality, auditory and visual perception
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