Kazakova Svetlana Leonidovna
Pyatigorsk State University
Abstract. Among the local objects (urbanonyms) of London, you can find quite a large number of those, which have Arabic names or are connected with the Arab culture. These names occur mainly in areas where people from Arab countries work: the restaurant and hotel business, the sphere of trade and medical services, the education of the Arab youth and culture. Many of the names are religious in nature and written in the Arabic or English letters. Sometimes names are a combination of the English and Arabic words.
Key words and phrases: оним, урбаноним, урбанонимия, Лондон, арабский язык, onym, urbanonym, urbanonymy, London, Arabic language
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Gde deshevle poest' v Londone [Elektronnyi resurs] // London 21. URL: http://london21.ru/cheap/gde-deshevle-poest-v-londone.html (data obrashcheniya: 15.09.2017).