Golaidenko Larisa Nikolaevna
Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla
Abstract. The article provides an analytical description of the words with the meaning of imagination, in the literary speech these words come out as lexico-semantic and grammatical dominants of very colourful and expressive metaphors / personifications emphasi-zing the figurativeness of a literary work and representing the specificity of the appropriate cognitive category. These metaphors are usually of occasional nature and serve as markers of the writer’s individual style. Syncretism of transfer according to similari-ty and adjacency causes the appearance of metonymic metaphors.
Key words and phrases: представление, семантика представления, лексика со значением воспоминания / воображения, метафора, метафтонимия, олицетворение, окказиональный характер метафор, imagination, semantics of imagination, vocabulary with meaning of memory / imagination, metaphor, metaphtonymy, personification
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