Khutyz Irina Pavlovna, Kolchevskaya Valeriya Alekseevna
Kuban State University
Abstract. The article deals with the means of persuasion by the material of tourism and academic discourses. By the example of the genre of a tourist catalogue the paper highlights such ways of rendering persuasion as tropes, figures of speech, and means of dialogiza-tion of discourse. It is noted that the effect of persuasion is achieved through the creolization of the text, i.e. interaction of visual and linguistic components. The authors indicate explicative and implicative persuasive means on the basis of the genre of an ab-stract presented in the monograph. It is concluded that despite the similarity of goals (to inform and to persuade) that can be rea-lized in various institutional types of discourse the specificity of persuasive means is determined by the requirements of the genre and the expectations of the addressee for this genre.
Key words and phrases: персуазивность, речевое воздействие, туристический дискурс, академический дискурс, жанр каталога, жанр авторской аннотации, persuasion, speech impact, tourism discourse, academic discourse, genre of catalogue, genre of author’s abstract
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