Terpelets Zhanna Al'fredovna, Osadchaya Valeriya Petrovna, Sharikova Fatimet Nikolaevna
Kuban State University of Education, Sport and Tourism
Abstract. The article is devoted to the linguistic and cultural analysis of the football terminology in the French and English languages, the conduct of which in the systems of different languages makes it possible to trace the originality of the process of the transition of a commonly used word to a sports term. The authors come to the conclusion that the conceptions and values surrounding football are very different depending on the culture and society of people who play it or watch it, serve it, comment on it, etc. The paper also indicates the main ways of forming sports terms: metaphorization, association, metonymy, antonomasia, loan words, and jargons.
Key words and phrases: футбольные термины, терминология, французский язык, английский язык, англицизмы, заимствования, жаргонные слова, языковые средства, football terms, terminology, French language, English language, anglicisms, loan words, slang words, linguistic means
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