Degtyareva Vergiliya Stanislavovna
Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism
Abstract. The article describes and analyzes proper terms and dialect terms of the Arctic navigation, author’s original linguistic means in B. Shergin’s tales. The study focuses on two genre features typical of a tale-essay: the description of real events and the figurative presentation of the reality. The researcher concludes that the Arctic navigation vocabulary participates in genre formation, establishes the composition of the narration where the meaning "sea" and "the Arctic navigation" is the common thematic group of a tale-essay.
Key words and phrases: северный диалект, термин, варианты лексических единиц, номинация, кораблевождение, северное мореплавание, знание, композиция произведения, Northern dialect, term, variants of lexical units, nomination, navigation, northern navigation, knowledge, literary work composition
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