Saitbattalov Iskander Rasulevich
Bashkir State University
Abstract. The article by the material of biographical, hagiographical and encyclopedic works of the XIX - the beginning of the XX century examines the chains of spiritual continuity of two generations of the Sufi sheikhs from Kiikov dynasty, analyzes internal psychological and social motives to enter the brotherhoods, the mechanisms and theological justification of finding and changing the Sufi mentor. The author considers the Sufi initiations from sheikhs residing in Holy Land as one of the forms of intercultural communication in the traditional society.
Key words and phrases: суфизм, Накшбандиййа, ислам, агиография, Башкортостан, поэзия, Sufism, Naqshbandiyah, Islam, hagiography, Bashkortostan, poetry
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