Gartung Stella Rudol’fovna
Irkutsk State University
Submitted: 10.10.2018
Abstract. The article claims that insincerity interpretation in collective cognition is based on the categorization process. According to the results of the analysis of explanatory dictionaries and corpus data, the paper determines that insincerity includes many categories. It is proved by the circular character of definitions, where the content of concepts is explained through specifying concepts and language descriptions. The author defines the levels of insincerity categorization: superordinate, basic and subordinate. The work ascertains that insincerity categorization and interpretation are realized not only in language but also in discourse, while the individual cognition of the speaker/writer is based on the format of knowledge about insincerity developed in collective cognition.
Key words and phrases: когниция, категоризация, категория, система категорий, формат знания, интерпретация, интерпретирующий дискурс, неискренность, cognition, categorization, category, category system, knowledge format, interpretation, interpretive discourse, insincerity
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