Bil’ Ol’ga Nikolaevna, Turanina Nenila Al’fredovna, Zamanova Irina Fedoseevna
Belgorod National Research University
Belgorod State University of Arts and Culture
Submitted: 24.10.2018
Abstract. The article describes the means of creating images in L. Petrushevskaya’s dramaturgy. The paper highlights the features of women-writers’ and women-playwrights’ works. The authors deal with such means of creating images as speech, portrait, characters’ appearance, environment, leisure, images-symbols and figurative means. The study notes the peculiarities of creating images both in several dramaturgic works of the writer and in separate plays. The fragmentary analysis of the speech-behaviour features of individual characters in L. Petrushevskaya’s plays has been carried out.
Key words and phrases: драматургия, женская литература, язык драматургического произведения, речеповеденческие свойства, речевой портрет, речевое поведение, dramaturgy, women’s literature, language of dramatic work, speech-behaviour features, speech portrait, speech behaviour
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