Liu Ziyuan
Far Eastern Federal University; Jiamusi University
Submitted: 16.10.2018
Abstract. The article is devoted to understanding one of the key works of "late" Bunin in philosophical discourse. "Dark Alleys" opens the cycle of stories with the same name and thus acts as a title work to the entire cycle of stories about love. The author considers the name of the work, the complex image of the main female character, the narration, the ambiguity of human assessments. It is shown that the philosophical perspective of the narrative becomes another creative dominant of Bunin’s late prose, specified already by the first story in the series - "Dark Alleys".
Key words and phrases: И. А. Бунин, рассказ "Темные аллеи", образ главного персонажа, человеческая натура, духовное неравенство, сложность и неоднозначность человека, философский подход, I. A. Bunin, "Dark Alleys" story, image of main character, human nature, spiritual inequality, complexity and ambiguity of person, philosophical approach
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