Prokop'eva Aleksandra Egorovna
Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Submitted: 21.09.2018
Abstract. The article is devoted to analysing the peculiarities of the verb formation with the affix =ш= in the Kolyma dialect of the Yukagir language. As it is known, this affix is used to form causative voice in the Kolyma dialect of the Yukagir language. The paper provides both known and previously unknown verb meanings formed with the affix =ш= . In particular, the author mentions the following ones: providing somebody with an object or endowing with a quality designated by the original word, committing an action with the object designated by the word stem, subject-object relation, which results in the transfer of the object into a new state, quality.
Key words and phrases: словообразование, глагол, морфология, аффикс, основа слова, части речи, способы словообразования, word formation, verb, morphology, affix, word stem, parts of speech, means of word formation
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