Krivolutskaya Margarita Ayusheevna
Tomsk State University
Submitted: 11.09.2018
Abstract. The article considers the problem of the representation of the emotional state of fear in L. Petrushevskaya’s works. The author focuses on the verbalization of the characters’ emotional state at the lexical and syntactic levels of the text space. It is noted that at the lexical level of the language, fear is stated through the representation in the semantics of the words that are used to denote an emotional state. The illogicality of statements, parcelling, increased tempo, and confusion are present at the syntactic level of the language. Repetitions and gradation are used as the main stylistic techniques.
Key words and phrases: эмоциональное состояние, страх, языковые средства, репрезентация, предикат, субъект, каузация, emotional state, fear, linguistic means, representation, predicate, subject, causation
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