Anokhina Viktoriya Sergeevna, Kravchenko Oksana Viktorovna
Rostov State University of Economics
Submitted: 02.10.2018
Abstract. The article is devoted to studying the features of speech communication with children in the family. By the material of family speech recordings made by the authors, the speech behaviour of the participants of dialogues "children " parents" is analysed from the position of strategic orientation and tactical implementation of speech communicative interaction. The authors consider the features of parents’ and children’s communicative activity, determine the structure and frequency of the used speech tactics, reveal the conditionality of their choice, first of all, by the age characteristics of children, and confirm the provision on harmonious strategic orientation of family communication.
Key words and phrases: семья как малая социальная группа, языковая жизнь семьи, семейная речевая коммуникация, семейная роль и речь, речевое поведение, стратегии и тактики речевого поведения, теория речевых актов, family as small social group, language life of family, family communication, family role and speech, speech behaviour, strategies and tactics of speech behaviour, speech act theory
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