Yuan Xinyu
Far Eastern Federal University
Submitted: 25.02.2018
Abstract. The article considers the syntagmatic features of particles. The author examines the compatibility of particles at different levels, identifies referential, deep syntactical, communicative and formal syntactical levels, and emphasizes the interrelation of the particle compatibility and semantics. The compatibility of particles at all the levels is analysed by the example of the particle "как раз" (just, exactly) on the basis of lexicographical data and the author’s observations. The paper concludes that to get a comprehensive description of syntagmatic features it’s necessary to consider all the mentioned levels.
Key words and phrases: частицы, синтагматика, референциальный уровень, глубинно-синтаксический уровень, коммуникативный уровень, формально-синтаксический уровень, particles, syntagmatics, referential level, deep syntactical level, communicative level, formal syntactical level
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