Ivdenko Natal'ya Vladimirovna
Kuban State University
Submitted: 26.08.2018
Abstract. In the article, the narrative strategy in A. S. Byatt’s philological novel "Possession: A Romance" is considered for the first time. All its components (worldview, modality, suspense), including the discursive metaphor underlying the work, express the idea of revelation, embodied both at the levels of plot and text. The precedent worldview, the modality of understanding, enigmatic suspense and the subtext of "mystery-revelation" make the reader familiar with the secrets of the past, activate his/her perception, and compel to solve the author’s puzzles and to take an active part in investigation. As a result, the revelation strategy "launches" the mechanism of literary forecasting, makes the reader a hero of the novel and realizes one of its main intentions - programming of the co-creative position of the addressee.
Key words and phrases: А. С. Байетт, нарративная стратегия, филологический роман, нарративная картина мира, нарративная интрига, нарративная модальность, A. S. Byatt, narrative strategy, philological novel, narrative worldview, narrative suspense, narrative modality
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