Ibragimov Marsel' Il'darovich, Gumerov Il'gam Gusmanovich
G. Ibragimov Institute of Language, Literature and Art of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
Submitted: 24.08.2018
Abstract. The article deals with the transformation of some motives of the poems by the Russian poets of the XIX-XX centuries in free translations by ?. Tuqay. It is ascertained that the motives of the translated works in Tuqay’s poems undergo quantitative (reduction, augment of motives) and qualitative (semantic transformation of motives) changes. Transformations of motives in the process of translation are conditioned by conceptual and semantic lacunae (lack of notions and concepts in the Tatar language and culture that determine the semantics of the translated poems motives), orientation toward the horizon of the Tatar reader’s expectations formed on the basis of the Oriental poetry reception.
Key words and phrases: мотив, семантическая трансформация мотивов, вольный перевод, Габдулла Тукай, русская поэзия, motive, semantic transformation of motives, free translation, ?abdulla Tuqay, Russian poetry
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