Sokolova Tat’yana Vladimirovna, Lasitsa Maiya Valer’evna, Neiman Svetlana Yul’evna
Omsk State Technical University
Submitted: 12.08.2018
Abstract. The article is devoted to classical languages that have not lost their relevance in the modern period. Their authority is emphasized in the issue of the European languages formation. The paper gives the reasons, calls the periods of the Greek and Latin borrowings of the commonly used vocabulary, and substantiates its terminologization. The authors note the importance of establishing the etymology of the terms on the basis of the diachronic-synchronic research method, emphasize the basic notions of individual terminologies and give examples of the international terms of the Greek-Latin origin from the Germanic and Romance languages that contribute to the replenishment of scientific terminology.
Key words and phrases: классические языки, заимствование, общеупотребительная лексика, терминология, античность, язык-посредник, classical languages, borrowing, commonly used vocabulary, terminology, antiquity, language mediator
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