Sofronova Irina Vladimirovna, Artem'ev Yurii Mikhailovich, Danilov Andrei Anatol'evich
I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University
Submitted: 20.08.2018
Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of the combination of the Oriental and Chuvash lore traditions in the modern Chuvash literature. The subject of the research is the poem "?ынсем" ("People") by V. Kerven. It is ascertained that in the work, the story basis is connected with the depiction of the hero Kayano’s life; the introduction of the publicistic and philosophical principle allows conveying reflections on the small-numbered indigenous peoples’ fate. The literary intention is identified through the use of legends and lore plots, the descriptions of rituals, and the peculiarities of the worldview. The authors reveal that through the story of the Oriental people’s fate the writer shows the problems of the Chuvash reality.
Key words and phrases: синтез, публицистичность, повествование, образ медведя, лиро-эпика, В. Кервень, традиция, современная чувашская литература, synthesis, publicistic nature, narration, bear image, lyric epic, V. Kerven, tradition, modern Chuvash literature
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