Averin Boris Valentinovich
Saint Petersburg University
Submitted: 01.08.2018
Abstract. The article is devoted to the motives and techniques that appeared in Vladimir Nabokov’s early letters to Vera Slonim and remained relevant through his later works. The letters, which were written daily in June and July 1926, are considered as a united text organized by common interweaving of motives and leitmotivs, leading and secondary themes. The motives that seem to be secondary often turn out to be the well-concealed main ones. This even becomes a technique in one of the writer’s letters. Another narrative technique used in the letters is the creation of the illusion of the absolute present, common for the author and the reader. Finally, in these letters Nabokov appears as a writer, for whom the description of everyday life details is as important as metaphysical problems and is inseparable from them.
Key words and phrases: Набоков, письма к жене, художественный текст, творчество, мотив, Nabokov, letters to the wife, fiction text, creative work, motive
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