Kolodina Nina Ivanovna
Voronezh State Pedagogical University
Submitted: 05.08.2018
Abstract. The article describes and analyzes the experimental data obtained during a survey of adolescents of two groups: hearing and hearing-impaired. The objective of the work is to get psycholinguistic results on lexical coding in two semiotic systems by the example of one lexical unit and to construct a semantic-synonymic field including words-synonyms and words-associations encoded in the students’ ordinary consciousness. The novelty of the research is that for the first time two semiotic systems of information coding are compared and a conception of semantic-synonymic field is developed and tested. The obtained results can be used in teaching while explaining vocabulary to students, in further research from the perspective of psycholinguistics and cognitive linguistics.
Key words and phrases: слышащие и слабослышащие подростки, семантико-синонимическое поле, обыденное сознание, слова-синонимы, слова-ассоциации, hearing and hearing-impaired adolescents, semantic-synonymic field, ordinary consciousness, words-synonyms, words-associations
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