Kiyanova Karina Arturovna
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Submitted: 29.06.2018
Abstract. The article is devoted to studying preamble role in the composition of public political speech. The study is conducted by the material of A. Merkel’s public addresses of 2015-2016. The author analyses the politician’s preambles, provides their classification. According to the addressee factor, the researcher identifies "internal" and "external" public speeches, in which she establishes the frequency of preambles, describes the specificity of their usage from the viewpoint of efficient verbal influence on the audience. The comparative analysis of both speech types allows concluding on the prevalence of a certain preamble in public political speech depending on the orientation to "internal" or "external" audience.
Key words and phrases: публичная речь, композиция, зачин, прием привлечения внимания, фактор адресата, политический дискурс, политическая речь, public speech, composition, preamble, technique to attract attention, addressee factor, political discourse, political speech
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