Kalyuga Marika Ashotovna
Macquarie University
Submitted: 25.06.2018
Abstract. The article is devoted to analyzing the preposition-case constructions of vertical juxtaposition above + Instrumental Case and under + Instrumental Case in the Russian language from the viewpoint of cognitive linguistics. Special attention is paid to the metaphors and metonymies motivating the peculiarities of the construction usage. The comparative analysis of the above + Instrumental Case and under + Instrumental Case constructions allows the author to identify isolated and interconnected metaphors and metonymies, which are lexically represented by preposition-case constructions.
Key words and phrases: предложно-падежные конструкции вертикальной соположенности, когнитивная лингвистика, образ-схемы, метафоры, метонимии, preposition-case constructions of vertical juxtaposition, cognitive linguistics, image schemes, metaphors, metonymies
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