Ivanokov Nurbi Rashidovich, Bizhoev Boris Chamalovich
Institute for the Humanities Research of the Kabardian-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Submitted: 12.07.2018
Abstract. The article deals with the historical and etymological analysis of a number of "unclear" lexical units of the Adyghe (Circassian) languages. A significant part of them belongs to archaisms and historicisms, but there are also a lot of words from various spheres actively used in the modern language. Most of these words are etymologized for the first time. The ones that have been considered earlier receive new versions of their origin and development in the paper. At the same time, the authors use mainly the method of internal reconstruction in the absence of old written documents and due to the limited possibility to attract the data of the related languages.
Key words and phrases: адыгейский язык, кабардино-черкесский язык, общеадыгский язык, форма, морфема, значение, структура, семантика, словообразование, новообразование, этимология, Adyghe language, Kabardian-Circassian language, common Adyghe language, form, morpheme, meaning, structure, semantics, word formation, new formation, etymology
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