Abstract. The article considers the issues of the discursive implementation of myth-making in the modern society. The analysis of Charles de Gaulle’s speeches during the Second World War and during his presidency demonstrates how the value concept "Great France" was formed in the axiological system of the French society and what its role is at the present stage. Value is the basic element of the myth-making process, which helps to create a valuable worldview of the society, introducing there with the help of the myth in order to manipulate the public consciousness.
Key words and phrases: аксиология, ценность, дискурс, манипулятивный дискурс, аргументация, прагматика, семиотика, картина мира, мифотворчество, миф, axiology, value, discourse, manipulative discourse, argumentation, pragmatics, semiotics, worldview, myth-making, myth
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