Bilyalova Al'bina Anvarovna, Kalashnikova Milyausha Minneravisovna, Sharypova Nailya Khabibrakhmanovna
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Kazan State Agrarian University
Submitted: 09.07.2018
Abstract. The article presents the comparative analysis of composite neologisms in the Russian and English languages in order to identify their universal and unique features by the nature of syntactic relations between their components. The paper gives the texts of the media as the material of the study to illustrate the use of composite neologisms in the two languages: "Argumenty i Fakty" ("Arguments and Facts"), "Moskovskij Komsomolets" ("Moscow Komsomol Member"), "The Guardian". As a result of the comparative study, the authors reveal that the English and Russian composite neologisms have universal and unique features in terms of the type of syntactic relations between the components that make them up.
Key words and phrases: неологизм, подчинительные композиты, сочинительные композиты, посессивные композиты, русский язык, английский язык, neologism, subordinating composites, coordinative composites, possessive composites, Russian language, English language
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