Abstract. The article is devoted to analyzing the formation and early development of the Egyptian press in the first half - the middle of the XIX century, when, being the province of Ottoman Empire, the country, liberated from Napoleon’s troops, tended to pursue more autonomous internal and foreign policy. The author examines the activity of the first Egyptian periodicals issued during the reign of Muhammad Ali dynasty. The author concludes that the first Egyptian governmental newspapers and magazines published under close control of ruling circles laid the foundation for the Egyptian commercial press of the end of the XIX century which in the course of time became the best one in the Arabic world.
Key words and phrases: египетский поход Наполеона, "Le Courier de L’Egypte" ("Египетский курьер"), "La Decade Egyptienne" ("Египетская декада"), "Журналь аль-Хедив" ("Журнал правителя"), "Аль-Вакаи аль-Мысрия" ("Египетские вести"), "Аль-Гарида аль-Аскарийя" ("Военная газета"), "Аль-Хавадис ат-Тиджарийя уа-ль-Иалянат аль-Малякийя" ("Новости торговли и королевские указы"), правление Исмаила, информационная политика, правительственная периодическая печать, частная печать, Napoleon’s Egyptian campaign, "Le Courier de L’Egypte", "La Decade Egyptienne", "The Journal of the Ruler", "The Egyptian News", "The Military Newspaper", "The News of Commerce and Royal Decrees", Ismail Pasha’s rule, information policy, governmental periodicals, private press