Morozovska Miroslava Pavlovna
Moscow State University of Education
Abstract. In the article the comprehensive linguistic analysis of the grammatical category of the case as an object of teaching Russian as a foreign language is presented. Different definitions of the term "grammatical case" are discussed, the approaches to the characterization of this phenomenon and the various conceptions of the description of the system of grammatical cases with regard to teaching Russian as a foreign language are analyzed. It is concluded that the special character of the case system of the Russian language makes it one of the most difficult objects of teaching in the course of Russian as a foreign language.
Key words and phrases: русский язык как иностранный, обучение грамматике, падеж, падежная система, имя существительное, окончание, Russian as foreign language, teaching grammar, grammatical case, system of grammatical cases, noun, ending
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