Shershukova Natal'ya Vladimirovna, Zhuikova Polina Sergeevna, Ufimtseva Ol'ga Aleksandrovna, Usanova Kseniya Vasil'evna
Saratov Socio-Economic Institute (Branch) of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Abstract. The article examines the functional-semantic field of possessiveness in the English language. The paper identifies the correlation of nuclear structures of the functional-semantic field of possessiveness in the British and American variants of English in synchrony and diachrony. The development of the verb "to have" represents the general tendency for analytism in the English language but the verb "to have" still can be used without auxiliary "do" which is more typical for British variant. Construction "have got" lies beyond aspect and tense paradigm and gradually changes its morphological status which is testified by the reduction and further loss of grammatical indicator "have".
Key words and phrases: функционально-семантическое поле, посессивность, аналитизм, аналитическая конструкция, грамматический показатель, functional-semantic field, possessiveness, analytism, analytical construction, grammatical indicator
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