Akhmedova El'nara Teimurovna
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Abstract. In the article the characters of H. G. Wells’ novel "Love and Mr. Lewisham" (1899), which pretended to be mediums, are analyzed. Their characteristics are considered in the context of the typical features of the medium’s image, which arose in the spiritualistic periodicals and the preceding literary tradition. It is ascertained that H. G. Wells proceeds from the established canon (in particular, the character from the poem "Mr. Sludge, The Medium" by R. Browning (1864)) and creates a fundamentally new hero-medium.
Key words and phrases: английская литература, викторианская литература, XIX век, Г. Уэллс, спиритизм, медиум, манипулирование сознанием, English literature, Victorian literature, the XIX century, H. G. Wells, spiritualism, spiritualist, manipulation of consciousness
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