Stenina Viktoriya Fedorovna
Polzunov Altai State Technical University
Abstract. The article deals with Honor? de Balzac’s artistic world in the context of the theory of permeability of the boundaries of literary and biographical texts, where the writer’s works, on the one hand, represent the life circumstances, and on the other hand, they are a part of the author’s myth. "The human comedy" is presented by the author of the article as the text of the author’s myth created by Balzac. The novel "Eug?nie Grandet" is studied in the aspect of the writer’s life-creating strategy, which is revealed on the personage and plot-composition levels of the text. In the work the proposition that the characters of the novel are an artistic sublimation of the writer in a constant conflict of desires and possibilities is substantiated.
Key words and phrases: Бальзак О. де, роман "Евгения Гранде", реализм, творческие стратегии, поэтика текста, жизнетворчество, мифотворчество, Honor? de Balzac, novel "Eug?nie Grandet", realism, creative strategies, poetics of the text, creative life, mythmaking
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