Ovcharova Svetlana Vladimirovna, Skvortsova Mariya L'vovna, Khasenova Anara Amanzhulovna
G. I. Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University
Abstract. The article attempts to reveal the peculiarity of the interpretation of Prometheus’s image in the novel "Prometheus. Die Titanenschlacht" by F. Fuhmann and to compare it with the famous examples of the German classics. The author bases himself on the principle of historicism and substantiates the idea that this "eternal" image of the world art preserving a certain set of stable characteristics is subjected to a constant process of transformation. In conclusion, the author summarizes that the image of Prometheus is always the expression of progressive ideas of a specific historical era and that is why it does not lose its relevance against the background of modernity.
Key words and phrases: Ф. Фюман, образ, символ, мыслитель, творчество, историзм, природная и социальная составляющие человеческой сущности, F. Fuhmann, image, symbol, thinker, creativity, historicism, natural and social components of human essence
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