Sideshova Zarina Galievna
Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla
Abstract. The article considers the examples of componential analysis as one of the methods that reveal the essence of the lexical-semantic field "steppe". The basic definitions of the term, componential analysis, its expediency and effectiveness in scientific research are also given. Using the method of componential analysis, it is possible to distinguish the lexical-semantic field "steppe", consisting of a paradigmatic structure, mandatory (nuclear) and facultative (peripheral) places.
Key words and phrases: гипероним, дифференциальная сема, компонентный анализ, лексико-семантическое поле, семема, ЛСП "степь", hyperonim, differential seme, componential analysis, lexical-semantic field, sememe, lexical-semantic field "steppe"
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