Vasyukova Marina Valentinovna
Tambov State Technical University
Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the types of ironic techniques in Lyudmila Ulitskaya’s novel "The Big Green Tent". The author-narrator portrays ironically the plot situations, the actions of the heroes, and their characters. The author’s irony focuses on the image of the protagonist Mikha and his friends. The narrator uses a wide range of ironic modus: pun, oxymoron expressions, ironic antitheses, sarcasm, travesty, low-colloquial speech, anecdotal situations, considering irony as a hermeneutic key deciphering the author’s intent.
Key words and phrases: герменевтика, шифр культуры, ирония, иронический подтекст, травестирование, Людмила Улицкая, hermeneutics, culture code, irony, ironic implication, travesty, Lyudmila Ulitskaya
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