Briskina Elena Viktorovna
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Abstract. The article examines the typical mistakes when using German prepositions and conjunctions by the native speakers of Russian the reason for which is interference. Both prepositions and conjunctions belong to auxiliary words which are usually specific for each particular language and this fact makes their study rather complicated. Interference in the usage of prepositions and conjunctions often has similar reasons. Insufficiently differentiated knowledge acquired at the early stage of teaching often becomes the reason for inappropriate use of these lexical units at the subsequent stage. The article analyzes the existing regularities and tries to find the ways to minimize native language interference in such cases.
Key words and phrases: интерференция, влияние родного языка, немецкие предлоги, немецкие союзы, глагольное управление, коллокации, изучение немецкого языка, interference, native language influence, German prepositions, German conjunctions, verb government, collocations, studying German
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