Ovchinnikov Denis Pavlovich
Ivanovo State University (Branch) in Shuya
Abstract. In the article the qualitatively characteristic dominant of N. V. Gogol’s innovation in the use of the ancient genre of idyll as underlying in the short story "The Old World Landowners" is ascertained. In this connection, within the specified genre, the evolution of philhellenism in the reference of the writers of the Little Russian text of Russian literature to the theme of antiquity is traced. The author grounds the thesis that the satirical and historical-patriotic themes in the depiction of Greece by O. M. Somov were assimilated and overcome by N. V. Gogol, who used the energy of the archaic genre of idyll, so that, without distracting attention from emotionality towards objectivity, to convey stronger and deeper the civilizational warning to the reader.
Key words and phrases: Н. В. Гоголь, О. М. Сомов, малороссийский текст, идиллия, периферийные жанры, антикризисный потенциал, N. V. Gogol, O. M. Somov, Little Russian text, idyll, peripheral genres, anti-crisis potential
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