Shaklein Viktor Mikhailovich, Sui Ying
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Abstract. This article is devoted to the clarification of the term "word-realia" in the Russian language and ???? [w?nhu? c?y?] ‘cultural words’, ???? [gu?s? c?y?] ‘words of the national tradition’ in the Chinese language in the linguo-culturological aspect, the identification and description of the origin of the term "word-realia" in the Russian language and ???? [w?nhu? c?y?] ‘cultural words’, ???? [gu?s? c?y?] ‘words of the national tradition’ in the Chinese language, as well as to the consideration and comparison of the peculiarities of these terms. The work is the first attempt to analyze, systematize the views of the Chinese linguists on the definitions of ???? [w?nhu? c?y?] ‘cultural words’, ???? [gu?s? c?y?] ‘words of the national tradition’. Having analyzed the definitions of these terms in the works of the Russian and Chinese linguists, the authors present their point of view on this term, and reveal such common features of the term as system, individuality, and dynamism.
Key words and phrases: язык, культура, безэквивалентная лексика, слово-реалия, ???? [Вэньхуа Цыюй] 'культурные слова', ???? [Госу Цыюй] 'слова национальной традиции', перевод, лингвострановедение, language, culture, culture-specific vocabulary, word-realia, ???? [w?nhu? c?y?] ‘cultural words’, ???? [gu?s? c?y?] ‘words of the national tradition’, translation, culture-oriented linguistics
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